By day I'm a front end developer working on tech solutions for team sports. By night I'm a Women Who Code DC volunteer; helping women achieve their aspirations of working in the tech field by teaching them how to code.
My passion in web development is being able to take an idea to improve an existing process and making that idea come to life by building web applications that anybody can use.
Previously used:
- Ruby/Ruby on Rails
- AngularJS
- Mocha/Karma/Enzyme
- Rspec/Capybara
- Linux/Windows server administration
- Wordpress
Random Fact
Previous Work Projects
Caseflow Style Guide (Lead Developer)
A React component based library for the DSVA
Appeals Modernization project.
Based on accessible UI components from the U.S. Web Design System, the style guide allows
designers to create mockups that keep the entire system consistent for the user and allows developers
to quickly build prototypes based on common code.
- Create new components to fit business needs and based on accessbility guidelines from U.S. Web Design System
- Add existing React components to the guide
- Review pull requests for each new component going into style guide
Pet Projects
Marian Resume API (source code): an API using information from my actual resume; created in 2018. Uses Express, JQuery.
Stack Tasks (source code): a to-do list application; created in 2015. Uses AngularJS, Bootstrap, Grunt.
Pomi Pomi (source code): a Pomodoro application; created in 2015. Uses AngularJS, Bootstrap, Grunt.
Simple code snippets using only HTML, CSS, and JS.
These are finished products of Beginner JS Projects,
a series of lessons used to teach aspiring developers how to create simple websites/web applications.
Background Color Changer
Random Cat Facts
Rock Paper Scissors (JS)
Temperature Converter (JS)